Thursday, October 26, 2017

Who would you bet on?

After Diwali celebration, it's time to connect with you once again.

This blog is for all of you my dear friends, especially those who missed my evening talk on 7th October either online or personally.
Although I was live on Facebook, I would like to share with you few important points from the session.

Do you want a life partner of your choice?
Do you want to create your right image?
Do you want to increase your intelligence?
Do you want to stick to your diet plan?
Do you want to increase your potential?
Do you want to achieve greatness in life?

If your answers are yes, read on!

Imagine you are offered this deal:
You give $ 10,000 and name of one person you know best personally. And for the rest of that person's life, you get 10% of his income every month.
Who would be that one person from all the people you have met?

What criteria would you use to bet on that one person?
Would that be his/her grades from school/ university?
Would that be your best friend?
How would you make this decision?

Warren Buffet makes this decision every day. And he uses 3 criteria.

But before that, let's have a look at a very important psychological test. This test can predict the future success of a child on every measure - wealth, quality of relationships, grades in school, length of relationships. Happiness measured on every scale - whether qualitative or quantitative.
The test is called 'Marshmallow Test'. (Please Watch video for description of test).

[ For those who can't/ couldn't watch video:
Marshmallow test is conducted on children of 3-5 years. Psychologist brings a kid in a room and gives him/her a marshmallow(a kind of sweet). He tells kid that, "This marshmallow is yours. You can use it any way you want."
He further says, "I need to go out for a while. If you wait for me to come back before eating this marshmallow, I will give you another marshmallow. But if you have used it, you won't get another." And psychologist leaves the room.]

- Result: 50% children eat marshmallow and 50% children don't.
- Analysis: 50% children that don't eat the marshmallow lead a qualitatively and quantitatively better life than those who eat the marshmallow.
- Lesson: Diet fails because the chocolate is there. So no need to buy the chocolate and then test your will-power.

Let us get back to the 3 criteria of Warren Buffet. He has made $ 60 billion by using these 3 criteria to bet on people/ group/ team/ company.

Criteria No-3 - Intelligence:
It doesn't mean chess intelligence but just adaptive intelligence.
For example, if you are running on a road and imagine a moving lamp-post is coming towards you, instead of taking the blow on your head, you take it on your shoulder and keep moving forward. Adaptive intelligence thus means avoiding major losses.

Criteria No-2 - Energy:
It means people with good health and immune system. People who sleep well.

Criteria No-1: Integrity:
It means saying 'No' more often to the things that matter least so that you can say 'Yes' to your values. Integrity means coherence between your actions and your plans. It is about matching your audio and video.

Imagine about these 3 criteria - Do they hold good?
What will happen if either of these is not there in that person on whom you are planning to bet?

Now when we are thinking about these 3 criteria to bet on someone else, wouldn't you want someone to bet on you? And don't you own your 100% income? (who spends it is altogether a different topic for a different day!)
Do you think you should improve these 3 criteria in your life?

Below are the ways to maximize them in your life:

3) How to improve Intelligence?
- Write stuff down. Your emotions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, quotes. Because when you write, after 6 months you will be the accumulated intelligence of 6 months' of ideas and thoughts and quotes.

2) How to maximize Energy?
- Observe and follow(not just online) high performance athletes like Josef Ajram, Kilian Jornet, Sir Ranulph Fiennes. They take one step at a time, just like horses. Horses have no concept of finish line. They run till they collapse. Ask yourself - Can I take this step? Yes? Take it. No? Pause. Yes? Take it. Yes? Take it.

1) How to enhance Integrity?
- Mahatma Gandhi has said - Action expresses priorities.
Kilian Jornet, Ultraman, has run 280 kms in 36 hours in Lake Tahoe Rim Run. Yes! 36 hours. His competitors say about him - "When Kilian runs, he is absolutely there - touching leaves as he runs past, smelling the fragrance of the flowers, feeling the feeling of track beneath his feet. It looks like he is enjoying. His mind is nowhere else."
So when you experience each moment of your life and make conscious decisions, you can match your calendar with your values.

Rule for success:
Don't stare at the marshmallow.

- Diet doesn't fail because of weakness of will. Diet fails because the chocolate is there.
- If you want to stop watching TV, stuff it in the box and put it in the store-room.
- It's about small-small changes, hundreds of little decisions that all sum up.
- Success in life is not one massive good decision or one marshmallow not eaten. And failure in life is not one poor decision or one marshmallow eaten.
- Failure is repeated bad decisions.
- Success is repeated, consistent good decisions.

So when we meet after 5 years from now and 10 - 20 years from now, I want you to have bet on yourself. I want you to have worked on maximizing your energy, intelligence and integrity. And 25 years from now, I'll be looking at one of the most successful person because you lived your life fully.

Who would you bet on?

Don't forget to watch these videos of Kilian Jornet if your want some extra motivation.

Look forward to see your views and comments.