Thursday, March 16, 2017

You are Great !

Science is close to the conclusion that there are no such thing as races. I have always believed that way. After all, everyone has 23 pairs of chromosomes! Right? Then what is this fuss about superiority and what not? You must have observed that if father is a good painter, pretty much are the chances that child would be a good painter as well. Why so? Just because, the father's DNA has those enhanced properties which get transferred to the child. Similarly, what we focus on and do repeatedly, either we choose doing it consciously or not, affects the characteristics of our DNA.

Let me tell you what Japanese do. After Hiroshima, they have converted the site to a visiting place. There is a beautiful garden surrounding it. Parents often take their children there and explain them how not controlling our emotions can make our life like that site and doing otherwise, by expressing love and forgiveness, can make life like that beautiful garden. This exercise instills the positive values in child's mind from a very tender age. When I say this, my intention is, I want the attitude of helping others and spreading peace and kindness in everyone's DNA. I am suggesting you as your spiritual friend to speak only positive words and assertive statements. I am, if not this world is, yet to see a dictionary or a book, which has only the positive words, phrases or idioms. I believe this idea should be implemented across all languages.

I believe that you have greatness in you. Just scatter some around! Let us make a positive shift in our lives and more importantly, in others' lives. Let's do something extra-ordinary. Today.

Man maketh habits and habits maketh man. What you sow in your heart, so shall you reap in the coming generations. I am sure you want yourself and your generations to be affable, broad-minded, creative, debonair, enchanting, flourishing, gracious, harmonious, inventive, judicious, knowledgeable, loyal, magnanimous, nifty, orderly, productive, quick-witted, rational, self-confident, trustworthy, unassuming, virtuous, wise, xenial, yeasty and zenithal.

You can be, have, do whatever you want. You have the power. Power of chromosomes.
And you also have a choice. Make a conscious one.

Be extraordinary!
Be the God.


  1. From where do you get such time to write such beautiful inspiring stories? :-)

    1. Haha.. You are funny my friend.
      On a serious note, I want to inspire people and I want to improve myself continuously.

      So, Purpose drives passion. 😜

  2. Hahaha..
    Wondering how that's possible.

  3. Great thought. Vision, passion, motivation, inspiration,,..... Keep it up.... Buddy...

  4. Inspiring..... Bhai i can see your name in "THE TREASURE"book.

    1. Thank you li'l sis 😆

      Uno momento at a time.. Sure it will happen.

  5. Thank you for writing and sharing the story of 'Living'.

  6. Pleasure is all mine Darshan. 😇
    Thank you for reading.
