Thursday, June 8, 2017

What's Your Story ?

It's not about what you know. It's about what you do.

There was an Indian wedding going on in a village. All of a sudden lights went off. Bride's father had missed to plan for this situation because of the pressure of making other arrangements. However, a relative of bride was heard saying, " I can solve this in a moment. But let someone ask for it first. I can arrange 10 generators but someone should ask me to get it done!"

Born in 1898, there was a guy named William James Sidis. He could read newspaper by the age of 18 months, by eight he knew eight languages (one being the language he invented), between 4 & 8 years he had written four books, enrolled at the Harvard University at the age of 11 (youngest ever to do so), could speak 40 languages, earned first degree - BA in mathematics (with honors) at the age of 16, began lecturing at Rice University at the age of 17. As a young man, he was well versed in cosmology, anthropology, philology, thermodynamics, civil engineering, biology and native American history - all self taught. William's IQ was estimated to be between 285 and 300 - about 100 points higher than Albert Einstein. Yet, if you google his name, you will find a starkest remark about him - The most wasted brain ever.

You have the potential to develop skills and gain knowledge. William was lucky to have a father who was psychologist. It was because of his upbringing that William could do so well on the front of knowledge. His father hung alphabets over this new born to make him learn earlier. What lacked for Sidi was action. There was no guidance about what to do with this knowledge.

Question is - Why don't we use our potential to the maximum even when we know we have it? Sidi didn't make any remarkable impact in this world, although he could have. You can. I believe you can make a massive difference and make it more habitable and joyful place. Sidi couldn't do it because he didn't have any purpose or sense of duty. He is no more but we are here. Waiting for someone to come and ask us to do something is not in our blood. We are go-getters. We are leaders. We take initiatives. We are beginners*. Before we go, it's our duty to make this place, our planet, more beautiful and full of nature. It's our responsibility to leave a legacy of grandeur and humility for the generations to come.

I damn well hope that you find your purpose and fulfill it. And coming generations tell your stories with pride and get inspired. Do. Act. And then share with us. A small did of positivity has a potential to spark a revolution. Sharing your experiences doesn't mean boasting if the intentions are right.

Keep spreading love and smiles.
Donate Blood.
Create greener earth.

*beginners - here means those who begin. (word-play intended)


  1. Correct beta, every person is unique and have unlimited potentiality but it's matter of it's use.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading Poorna.
      Hope I could give you enough reasons to read more. :D

  3. absolutely correct, everybody has great potential only thing is to guide them in proper direction.

    1. Yes Vishal.
      We all have the potential. All we need to do is to get out of our comfort zone.

  4. you are absolutely right dear dhaval,everybody has unlimited potentiality but it is matter of uses
