Thursday, August 17, 2017

How to sound positive?

If this thought ever crossed your mind, and not for manipulative intentions, you are thinking in the right direction. You just need to take a step further. You have to BE positive, and not just think positive, to sound positive. Look, nobody achieved anything out of positive thinking, at least not for long term. Napoleon Hill could never get as rich as Henry Ford and he had written a book "Think and Grow Rich". So I wouldn't suggest you to just think positive.

It may sound contradictory now if I said that I believe in what Swami Vivekananda has said,

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live. They travel far. You become what you regularly think."

But this is not different from what I said earlier - You have to be positive, and not just think positive, to sound positive. Vivekananda said so because you cannot act on something what you have never thought of doing, unless, of course, you are instructed. But once you are aware of your thoughts and choose them consciously, then it becomes an action and not just thinking. With time, it gets easier. And one day, it becomes so natural that no efforts are required.

Now, the next important question - How to BE positive?
Answer is very easy and straightforward. We normally shy away from it and the challenge is to accept it. The answer is - "Doing". But just by doing, look what has happened to us. We don't have enough information about our ancestors' achievements, be it constructing pyramids or Ayurveda. We don't fully know the science behind our cultures and traditions. Our ancestors used to fly and we are crawling because of "just doing". Blindly following is for robots, not for humans. Otherwise you wouldn't have wanted to sound positive. So, I would say, the answer is - Doing with the intention of improving.

1. Work day and night.
2. Focus on improving continuously.
3. Discuss ideas. Discuss ideas of improvement.
4. Identify scopes of improvement and suggest solutions.
5. Learn about emotional intelligence. It makes you feel human. It's good to have feelings.

Further, I want to ask this:
- Have you ever controlled your anger? Yes!
- Have you controlled expressing love? Yes!
- How about frustration? Yes!
Out of above and all other feelings, which are good and which are bad? Do you want to get rid of bad ones?
See, it is very simple - Emotions are the result of chemical changes in the brain. And that happens because of the thoughts we think. And thoughts can be chosen by us. Everything drills down to doing.

Doing is becoming. You want to be financially independent, work for it. Because just thinking won't help. You want to improve fitness and health, now you know the answer! Get on with it and be. Start with your list of priorities. You should have a list if you have read former blog: You are Great. If you don't have a list, here, go through this one:

Able Beautiful Calm Dashing Eager Fabulous Generous Painstaking Schrewd Talented
Adaptable Boundless Capable Dazzling Easygoing Fair Gentle Passionate Sedate Terrific
Adept Brave Careful Impartial Effective Faithful Glorious Peaceful Seemly Thoughtful
Adventurous Bright Cautious Decent Efficient Fantastic Good Perfect Selective Thrifty
Affable Brilliant Charming Decisive Elated Fascinating Gregarious Persistent Self-assured Tidy
Affectionate Broad-minded Cheerful Decorous Eminant Fearless Obedient Philosophical Self-confident Tolerant
Agreeable Rational Coherent Delightful Enchanting Fine Offbeat Pioneering Self-disciplined Tough
Alert Realistic Comfortable Dependable Encouraging Frank Optimistic Placid Sensible Likeable
Alluring Receptive Communicative Detailed Endearing Fresh Outspoken Plausible Sensitive Lively
Amazing Relentless Compassionate Determined Endurable Friendly Wacky Pleasant Sincere Logical
Ambitious Reliable Confident Devoted Energetic Fuffy Warm Plucky Skillful Lovely
Amiable Resolute Considerate Dignified Enterprising Ideal Warm-hearted Powerful Smiling Loving
Amicable Resourceful Cooperative Diligent Entertaining Magical Whimsical Practical Splendid Loyal
Amusing Responsible Couragious Diplomatic Enthusiastic Mature Willing Pretty Steadfast Ultimate
Analytical Rhetorical Creative Direct Excellent Modern Wise Proactive Stimulating Unassuming
Appeasing Righteous Credible Discreet Excited Modest Witty Productive Successful Unbiased
Astounding Romantic Cultured Divine Exclusive Mysterious Wonderful Punctual Succint Understanding
Nice Kind-hearted Vigorous Dynamic Exuberant Happy Jolly Pursuasive Superb Unusual
Nifty Knowledgeable Vivacious Quick-witted Industrious Harmonious Joyous Hilarious Sympathetic Upbeat
Zippy Zamy Quick Quiet Instinctive Helpful Heroic Honorable Imaginative Debonair

We are in this together. Let's do it !