Friday, March 16, 2018

The Game of Imitation

Imagine there is a 2 year old kid sitting in front of a TV watching cartoon. What would he do? You know he would try to imitate the cartoon characters. Right? Imitation is an inborn quality. What we call innovation is an imitation through some inspiration.

Now think about this - What gives us kick? What gives us satisfaction? Convincing and roping in others to believe in and follow our belief system. What do you say? When someone follows your idea, your adrenaline shoots up. When someone agrees with you, your fears put the guards down. Isn't that the case with you? We want agreement of colleagues for minor suggestions and major decisions. We seek approval of friends, family and society for our behavior, life, life-style, dressing and what not. We live for these approvals and ultimately define ourselves with those set of rules. Isn't it? We use or see others use certain phrases like, "I can't do that. I am a shy person." or "Oh! He is always like that." or "Yes! She is always the first person in taking initiatives."

Important question is, shouldn't I ask myself, "Whom should I imitate?"? Do I have the knowledge of such principles and ethics which can elevate me as a person? Can I imitate such actions which can make me capable of helping others perform at their best potential? Can I inquire about whether anyone has lived a life which gave humanity a vision and a way? Has anyone shown the path to fulfillment? Has anyone lived an inspiring life in spite of the seemingly unfathomable challenges? Can I live by those codes and practices and disciplines? Can I at least try to do that? Because someone could do it, doesn't that give me a reason to believe in that possibility for me as well?

Rama, Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Mahavir, Muhammad, Shiva, Swami Vivekananda, Leonardo da Vinci, StephenHawking, Oprah Winfrey, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Nikola Tesla, RichardBranson, Bruce Lee, Konosuke Matsushita - we can learn a lot from these people. If we imitate even one good quality from any of these personalities, imagine the difference we can make in our life and in this world.

Do read about these personalities. Know them. Learn their principles. Live them. This life is too short to experience all the ways. They have shown us the path. Imitate it and cultivate yourself. Develop your own path but start with the available knowledge.

Go! Make a difference.
Survive and Serve.

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