Sunday, October 28, 2018

Life is a correction

A student complained to his meditation teacher, "my meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted. My legs ache. And I am constantly falling asleep".
"It will pass", the teacher replied.
A week later, same student came back to his teacher."My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware, so peaceful, so alive! It is just wonderful!", he said.
"It will pass", the teacher replied.

Life is a journey, a process, a path. It is not to be achieved. It is to be lived. The everyday actions we choose are the small processes which altogether, at the end, show us the larger picture called life. To improve this final larger picture, we regularly make decisions and action plans. For example new year resolutions, birthday promises, anniversary vows, etc. Then we make schedules to implement those actions, if we are disciplined enough. During this course, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we do not. Ever wondered why?

Same reason! Because it is a process. Every activity you do is a process. And every process stands for correction. Look at the share market scripts, success or failure graph of any celebrity or a company. You will find a rise and then fall so that the position reached stands corrected.
Let us take simpler example. Let us look at ourselves. We have maximum energy when we get up in the morning. But it does not stay that way for rest of the day. Afterwards we are at moderate energy level for 12 to 15 hours. Body corrects that energy level.
Look at the new habit pattern. Initially, you do it consistently. Gradually the drive for keeping up the new habit recedes. You even refine the frequency of doing that activity. If you have enough discipline, determination, dedication and the right reasons, habit stays and becomes routine or rather a lifestyle. Process corrects itself.
Similarly, a feeling of depression is a process; only a negative one. Initially, one feels there is no hope and nothing can be done about it. But gradually, one comes out of it, provided he/she takes support of himself or loved ones and works on improving the thoughts and thought patterns. Then there is a ray of hope to a better life.

Please note that process evolves continuously. It doesn't know in which direction it is going. Therefore, you have to take control of it. With every parameter you change in it, the effect changes. It is in your hands to select the parameter and decide the extent of its change. Use it for betterment of people around you.
Most people don't use this power after a certain stage of their life. Look around you. Can you think of people who have stopped or reduced the scale of learning after a certain years of experience or certain age. Then they complaint about mundane life and slow promotions in their career. Opportunities are waiting for you if you are ready to work on yourself. Of course there are organizations where right talent is not utilized optimally, but you get my point. Right? You have the power to change it. Choose the direction of change.

Do you want to want to change the process? In which direction? Upward or downward? Well, it depends on the type of process you select. For example, for smoking habit, you want it to move in downward direction and for exercise, you want it to go in upward direction.
Here are the steps to achieve it which should help you achieve your goals:
1. Identify - which parameters you should change.
2. Know - which habits require positive or negative changes
3. Prepare a schedule and start working on it
4. Either it will work nicely or it won't work at all. But now you know why it happens.
Some processes require more potential energy to kick start whereas in some, you already have the potential so it starts out smooth. Trick is to keep the potential at the level where you can provide the energy to the process, sufficient enough to get to the next step.
5. Keep trying - process will correct itself. You will see the change. And then, that too shall pass.
6. Explore - the variety of ways to achieve your milestones.
7. Never stop. Continue to raise your potential.

I hope you work on your processes and potential and improve your life phenomenally. I pray that, one day, when you look back, you could happily say to yourself, "I am glad I shifted the right parameters".

Keep sharing your experiences.
Save the world.
Bear maximum one child per couple for at least 3 generations.

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