Thursday, May 11, 2017

And That Made All The Difference

Exceptions tell us where rules stand.

Let us don't waste time with the examples of situations where making decisions have made us feel that it's better to die over handling such situations. We all go through those at one point or another. Truly, you make but don't wait for the choices to appear. Important is, was it made in an autopilot mode or consciously? You cannot do a runner but are bound to face the ramifications of the choices you make. So, how to make a choice without being (looked*) selfish?

Well, I think primarily two factors should be considered. First consideration should be your progress as a person - Shall I learn something from this? Or shall I be able to contribute for the greater good? Another important consideration should be other's progress - Will this decision help someone? Will it enhance his/ her understanding or maturity or lifestyle or anything else which can benefit him/ her/ them? Either way, you end up feeling better. That is why these criteria sound to me worthwhile. These help us weigh the options and arrive to a rational** decision.

However, once the choice is made, human tendency is to rethink or rather doubt over the decision made. Thoughts like - "Did I do the "right***" thing?" and "Was that alternative better?" cross our minds. Easiest way to deal with this situation is to go with the flow. Be assertive about your actions. Grass always looks greener on the other side. Given the choice of trading your life with someone else, you wouldn't do it for the world. So appreciate what you have selected. Learn to arrive at peace with what you have chosen. You are who/ where/ what/ how you are because of the choices you have made so far. No one is to blame. You are not known by life or death but by the choices you make. Life is lived by preference. What is life? It's what you choose.

How do you want your life to be? Choose. Think about what defines you. Search for a single word, a verb, which defines your core characteristic. [ Shall elaborate this further in next blog]. Good health, remarkable relationships, job satisfaction, peace of mind, everything will be derived out of the choices you make. I am sure you don't want to compromise on any part. Rather you want them to be exceptionally great!

I am here, just like every other time, to remind you about your extraordinary goals and about your sheer grandeur and about your paramount power to lead yourself. When you believe in miracles, they happen. Take the control of your life in your hands.
Choose to expand yourself !

"I exist now more than I did four months ago. I'll leave "this world"# noticeably bigger than when I arrived here. And I'll leave with the hope that the expansion of one person - the magnification of one life - is indeed an act of worth in this world. Even if that life, just this one time, happens to be nobody's but my own."
 - From "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

*Looked - A smirk in context to today's reality of exhibitionism
**Rational - From whose perspective?
***Right - What's right?
#This world - Actual word in book is "Italy"