Saturday, August 18, 2018

Democracy Or Monarchy

It is democracy. People often forget that. Democracy means, a voter is as much responsible for the country, before and after voting, as a voted.
People today, vote and think that they have chosen a king who will serve them. They shy away from their responsibilities of serving the country.

I think, we as a country are still unclear about the definition of democracy because of our long experience of monarchy, i.e. being ruled by someone. Democracy is the state where YOU CHOOSE a representative of you as a group, like in sampling method you choose samples out of population, representing the characteristics of the population. The quality of those samples is considered the quality of population. Similarly, if the chosen candidate works day and night for the growth and development of the country, that means you too do it and believe that others should do the same. Instead, if that candidate vouches to give free facilities, that means you want to live on free stuff. Working for betterment of nation is not the trait of population then. If he/ she does Yoga or promotes cleanliness or demoralizes use of plastics, that means you also promote these ideas. If he utters baseless statements and you discuss those, you know what I am going to say about it. Plain and simple. Isn't it?

Primarily, democracy expects citizens to take ownership.Ownership for choosing the candidate to represent themselves. Ownership for sustained growth of his/ her country instead of sitting back and expecting the chosen candidates to work on it or criticizing them if they don't. This is the basic difference between democracy and monarchy, where king does all the decision making and public just follows the instructions.

What do you think? Which mindset you are in? Monarchy? Or democracy?

Your day time job is for your survival and maybe for lifestyle maintenance. Your company may make you feel good about your job saying that you are making a positive difference in the world. Apart from that being a half-truth, it is still a job. You can't be satisfied with that much! You can do better than that.
You want to contribute more towards your country with whatever skills and knowledge and experience you have. You want to contribute your time and energy for the growth of your country, every day. Yes! Every day! You want to become producer of results and growth and potential instead of consumer of entertainment and leisure. There is a difference between tasting and consuming. Right? Do you consume entertainment or just taste it? Or the entertainment consumes you?

If you want to see a better country, you have to be a part of it by doing more that being a voter, a tax-payer and a critic.
What can you do?
It is simple. Not easy, but simple.
1. Know your roots and know your country.
2. Improve yourself spiritually.
3. Improve your knowledge, skills and attitude.
4. Work on your integrity, intellect and energy.
5. Give yourself a purpose to live for and to die for.
6. Work on technological growth in the fields of renewable energy generation, automation and communication. You don't have to be a scientist. Just convert available technologies and knowledge into a large scale projects for the benefit of society.
7. Be responsible for your actions. Take responsibility for your each decision and choice. Be your own leader. Don't let yourself get mislead with misinformation.
8. Contribute rather than commenting.

Do something more than just earning, to make this world a better place. Smile.

"If everyone knitted cotton and prepared clothes in the evening while chatting with family and friends, there won't be a single person without clothes."
                                                            - Mahatma Gandhi

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