Thursday, December 21, 2017

I am not a millionaire

The things that I should but love are not the same,
All the success is defined by money or fame..

I look in the eyes to reach the hearts,
Just to find out their breaking art..
From oceans to the poor species, eating up resources,
That's all nature has got from human forces..

It's time I look at myself and question,
Is this truly innocence or just a pretention?
Can I accept the results of my deeds?
We were supposed to be the fruits but have grown into the weeds..

Now I want flowers and fruits to yield,
I will act likewise for the results to wield..
Nature is my mother and she has cared enough,
It's time I reciprocate for her times are tough..
It's time I reciprocate for her times are tough..

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Expansion from Within

It has been raining since last few decades. And people have been complaining about two things:
1. Getting wet in this rain
2. Somebody not doing anything about it
But, this is not who we are. Right? We carry umbrella with us next time, in case.

It's great that you have read the previous blog "Reinvent Yourself" and started working upon your vision and purpose of life. I appreciate your commitment towards self-improvement. We are on the right path. We first need to focus on ourselves because only a self-assured person can generously appreciate and help others. Once we are alright, rest of the things fall in place. Independence comes first. Interdependence follows. If only you know swimming, you can save others from drowning. (You get the meaning).

You can change goals to meet your purpose but you shouldn't change your purpose to meet goals. That is why it is very crucial that you take good enough time, even years if required, to derive your purpose. Once you find it and start working on it, life will be fun.

Need few hints to find your purpose?
- Read " Reinvent Yourself ".
- Prioritize mother-nature.
- Remember that nature is for all the species and not only for humans. We have been here only for last second if you split life on earth in 24 hours.
- Future will have only one religion - Humanity. If you don't believe it, get ready for the change.
- Help people achieve their goals and dreams - This is becoming a goal of many people these days.
   And it is a really really challenging one.

While pondering over it, you can ask these questions to yourself -

- What am I going to do that will enhance somebody's life? (Because this world is waiting for you to expand your vision and act on it.)

- How much safer I can make the world for the species which are going extinct every year?

- What kind of difference do I want to make?

- How much value I want to add in this world?

- Which thoughts I want to spread around the globe? Shall those thoughts spread smiles across?

- Am I already in the mind-frame that this world is a one-big-family?

- Do I think and believe that I can save the world from itself?

- Do I believe that I am capable of handling this responsibility?

- Can I contribute my time, energy and self to support those who are on their quest of saving our planet and trying to make it a better place?

- Am I willing to spread my wings? Am I ready to constantly widen my horizon?

It's time to think seriously, with courage and commitment, about how to set ourselves upon the path to genuine peace, happiness and prosperity.
- Konosuke Matsushita
  [ Father of Management from Japan, The Founder of Panasonic ]

It takes very little effort to take the first step. What is challenging is to make up your mind to do that.

Let's go!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Reinvent Yourself

Interesting synonyms are there for "Invent" - Originate, create something that has not existed before, formulate, develop, design, innovate, hatch, manufacture, concoct and many more. And you would agree with me that everybody wants to be different and original and yet conform with others. Isn't it strange? That is why there is a dire need of frequently looking at ourselves to originate and re-originate, reinvent ourselves. We should search for the patterns in our actions which are not in line with what we are aspiring for in life. Even our aspirations need to be redesigned along the course of life.

Since everybody has different goals and purposes, and everyone interprets situations, quotations, ideas and information in their own ways, I have kept my ideas open this time - open to YOUR interpretation. Hope you relate it the way I do, so that our roads cross someday while achieving the higher purpose in our lives. I have written few ideas and quotations and put them in the sequence which makes sense to me. Hope you can relate it for yourself and use them.

1. As per Heinrich's pyramid,
            for every 300,000 at-risk behavior,
            3,000 near miss incidences are estimated, out of which,
            300 record-able injuries are possible, and
            30 injuries with lost workday cases, and
            1 fatality can be expected.
Similarly, in my opinion,
            for every 300,000 people who think positive and creative ideas,
            3,000 people will work on those ideas and lead a better life for themselves,
            300 may do something good for society and make to the news for a short term (may be a decade)
            30 will continue working on great ideas and contribute to the society to a great extent, and
            we can expect 3 out of those to make a historic difference in the world.

Important is to know - Where do you want to stop? Or, do you?

2. You must do what you know you should do.

3. Make good choices.

4. Build someone up.
    Put their insecurities to sleep.
    Remind them they are worthy.
    Tell them they are magical.
    Be the light in a too often dim world.

5. Nothing happens in a day but something happens in each one day.

6. Instead of being an expect-or, become a spectator of good things.
    Instead of being a spectator, become an actor of good things.

7. The choices we make are ultimately our responsibilities.

8. If there is anybody who is on the downside of advantage and relying purely on courage, it's possible.
    It's possible.                                                                          - Matthew McConaughey

9. How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world !
                                                                                                - Anne Frank

10. You have to have a vision.

Tell me what you are going to do.
Just like you read this.

Thank you.
Smiles. :)

Friday, November 10, 2017

The truth about Yoga

Have you ever seen a street dog stretching in the morning right after it gets up? Ever wondered who taught Yoga to that dog? How come does it know the importance of exercise above other intelligent species?

Anyway, our topic is different. We know the common meaning of Yoga which is "Union". And the next obvious statement is that Yoga is much more than that. Just like most of the time, I have my views on Why-Factor for Yoga being called the "way of living" above all the other meanings like balance or combination.

Basically, there are 5 structures of Yoga out of which, these 4 have intrigued me:
1. Gyana Yoga: Yoga committed to inquiry
2. Raja Yoga: Yoga committed to introspection and contemplation
3. Bhakti Yoga: Yoga devoted to love and devotion to God
4. Karma Yoga: Yoga committed to selfless service and Dharma

Now if you know about Hindu religion, there are 4 Varna that create a structure of society:
1. Brahman: Committed to knowledge and wisdom
2. Kshatriya: Committed to discipline,  sacrifice and contemplative use of power
3. Vaishya: Committed to livelihood and devoted to God
4. Shudra: Committed to serve at their personal best

And if you have ever been to a management training for Goal setting, there are 4 primary areas to set goals for a balanced life:
1. Spiritual
2. Physical
3. Financial
4. Social

Now check out what's common in above three lists which happened in different times and places.
Does these similarities ring any bells?

I am assuming that you are with me in this correlation.
Now look at America. Where does it stand in case of knowledge and innovation? What about war/ weapons/ defense strength? How about business/ market? And how about service sector/ labour? If you notice, most of the developed countries are strong at the first 3 Varna/ but are becoming weaker at the 4th varna. And interesting thing is, they have unknowingly given away this strength. There is a mentality that service is for lower class. Truth is, due to lack of either of the 4 Varna, any state may loose the balance and as a result strength. Seems convincing?

It gets interesting now!
With this changing times where everything is getting smaller and closer, these 4 Varna have also come closer. Previously, had you followed any 1 Varna, it would have been okay to lead a life of fulfilment. But now is the time to instill these 4 Varna, these 4 qualities, not only in this world or nations but within us.
- We must be curious enough to question (first) ourselves with relentless attitude of learning and improving and experimenting.
- We must have good strength to take a stand for humanity and for mother nature.
- We must have the skills to sell ourselves anywhere needed, be it with thoughts, products, services or qualifications.
- We must have the never-ending attitude of serving wholeheartedly and readiness to do all kinds of jobs which may seem unimportant or tacky.
When we become Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra, all at the same time, that's what I call an ultimate balance, the perfect Yoga. Once we attain this Union, we reach at the axis of the rotating wheel - by gradually moving from the tangent towards the center. Interestingly, this is the never-ending process. And maybe that's why Yoga is called the Way of living.

We are all here by miracle, learning to live.

""Miracle" is a word commonly used for "accident" with the sense of humility."

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Who would you bet on?

After Diwali celebration, it's time to connect with you once again.

This blog is for all of you my dear friends, especially those who missed my evening talk on 7th October either online or personally.
Although I was live on Facebook, I would like to share with you few important points from the session.

Do you want a life partner of your choice?
Do you want to create your right image?
Do you want to increase your intelligence?
Do you want to stick to your diet plan?
Do you want to increase your potential?
Do you want to achieve greatness in life?

If your answers are yes, read on!

Imagine you are offered this deal:
You give $ 10,000 and name of one person you know best personally. And for the rest of that person's life, you get 10% of his income every month.
Who would be that one person from all the people you have met?

What criteria would you use to bet on that one person?
Would that be his/her grades from school/ university?
Would that be your best friend?
How would you make this decision?

Warren Buffet makes this decision every day. And he uses 3 criteria.

But before that, let's have a look at a very important psychological test. This test can predict the future success of a child on every measure - wealth, quality of relationships, grades in school, length of relationships. Happiness measured on every scale - whether qualitative or quantitative.
The test is called 'Marshmallow Test'. (Please Watch video for description of test).

[ For those who can't/ couldn't watch video:
Marshmallow test is conducted on children of 3-5 years. Psychologist brings a kid in a room and gives him/her a marshmallow(a kind of sweet). He tells kid that, "This marshmallow is yours. You can use it any way you want."
He further says, "I need to go out for a while. If you wait for me to come back before eating this marshmallow, I will give you another marshmallow. But if you have used it, you won't get another." And psychologist leaves the room.]

- Result: 50% children eat marshmallow and 50% children don't.
- Analysis: 50% children that don't eat the marshmallow lead a qualitatively and quantitatively better life than those who eat the marshmallow.
- Lesson: Diet fails because the chocolate is there. So no need to buy the chocolate and then test your will-power.

Let us get back to the 3 criteria of Warren Buffet. He has made $ 60 billion by using these 3 criteria to bet on people/ group/ team/ company.

Criteria No-3 - Intelligence:
It doesn't mean chess intelligence but just adaptive intelligence.
For example, if you are running on a road and imagine a moving lamp-post is coming towards you, instead of taking the blow on your head, you take it on your shoulder and keep moving forward. Adaptive intelligence thus means avoiding major losses.

Criteria No-2 - Energy:
It means people with good health and immune system. People who sleep well.

Criteria No-1: Integrity:
It means saying 'No' more often to the things that matter least so that you can say 'Yes' to your values. Integrity means coherence between your actions and your plans. It is about matching your audio and video.

Imagine about these 3 criteria - Do they hold good?
What will happen if either of these is not there in that person on whom you are planning to bet?

Now when we are thinking about these 3 criteria to bet on someone else, wouldn't you want someone to bet on you? And don't you own your 100% income? (who spends it is altogether a different topic for a different day!)
Do you think you should improve these 3 criteria in your life?

Below are the ways to maximize them in your life:

3) How to improve Intelligence?
- Write stuff down. Your emotions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, quotes. Because when you write, after 6 months you will be the accumulated intelligence of 6 months' of ideas and thoughts and quotes.

2) How to maximize Energy?
- Observe and follow(not just online) high performance athletes like Josef Ajram, Kilian Jornet, Sir Ranulph Fiennes. They take one step at a time, just like horses. Horses have no concept of finish line. They run till they collapse. Ask yourself - Can I take this step? Yes? Take it. No? Pause. Yes? Take it. Yes? Take it.

1) How to enhance Integrity?
- Mahatma Gandhi has said - Action expresses priorities.
Kilian Jornet, Ultraman, has run 280 kms in 36 hours in Lake Tahoe Rim Run. Yes! 36 hours. His competitors say about him - "When Kilian runs, he is absolutely there - touching leaves as he runs past, smelling the fragrance of the flowers, feeling the feeling of track beneath his feet. It looks like he is enjoying. His mind is nowhere else."
So when you experience each moment of your life and make conscious decisions, you can match your calendar with your values.

Rule for success:
Don't stare at the marshmallow.

- Diet doesn't fail because of weakness of will. Diet fails because the chocolate is there.
- If you want to stop watching TV, stuff it in the box and put it in the store-room.
- It's about small-small changes, hundreds of little decisions that all sum up.
- Success in life is not one massive good decision or one marshmallow not eaten. And failure in life is not one poor decision or one marshmallow eaten.
- Failure is repeated bad decisions.
- Success is repeated, consistent good decisions.

So when we meet after 5 years from now and 10 - 20 years from now, I want you to have bet on yourself. I want you to have worked on maximizing your energy, intelligence and integrity. And 25 years from now, I'll be looking at one of the most successful person because you lived your life fully.

Who would you bet on?

Don't forget to watch these videos of Kilian Jornet if your want some extra motivation.

Look forward to see your views and comments.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

How to sound positive?

If this thought ever crossed your mind, and not for manipulative intentions, you are thinking in the right direction. You just need to take a step further. You have to BE positive, and not just think positive, to sound positive. Look, nobody achieved anything out of positive thinking, at least not for long term. Napoleon Hill could never get as rich as Henry Ford and he had written a book "Think and Grow Rich". So I wouldn't suggest you to just think positive.

It may sound contradictory now if I said that I believe in what Swami Vivekananda has said,

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live. They travel far. You become what you regularly think."

But this is not different from what I said earlier - You have to be positive, and not just think positive, to sound positive. Vivekananda said so because you cannot act on something what you have never thought of doing, unless, of course, you are instructed. But once you are aware of your thoughts and choose them consciously, then it becomes an action and not just thinking. With time, it gets easier. And one day, it becomes so natural that no efforts are required.

Now, the next important question - How to BE positive?
Answer is very easy and straightforward. We normally shy away from it and the challenge is to accept it. The answer is - "Doing". But just by doing, look what has happened to us. We don't have enough information about our ancestors' achievements, be it constructing pyramids or Ayurveda. We don't fully know the science behind our cultures and traditions. Our ancestors used to fly and we are crawling because of "just doing". Blindly following is for robots, not for humans. Otherwise you wouldn't have wanted to sound positive. So, I would say, the answer is - Doing with the intention of improving.

1. Work day and night.
2. Focus on improving continuously.
3. Discuss ideas. Discuss ideas of improvement.
4. Identify scopes of improvement and suggest solutions.
5. Learn about emotional intelligence. It makes you feel human. It's good to have feelings.

Further, I want to ask this:
- Have you ever controlled your anger? Yes!
- Have you controlled expressing love? Yes!
- How about frustration? Yes!
Out of above and all other feelings, which are good and which are bad? Do you want to get rid of bad ones?
See, it is very simple - Emotions are the result of chemical changes in the brain. And that happens because of the thoughts we think. And thoughts can be chosen by us. Everything drills down to doing.

Doing is becoming. You want to be financially independent, work for it. Because just thinking won't help. You want to improve fitness and health, now you know the answer! Get on with it and be. Start with your list of priorities. You should have a list if you have read former blog: You are Great. If you don't have a list, here, go through this one:

Able Beautiful Calm Dashing Eager Fabulous Generous Painstaking Schrewd Talented
Adaptable Boundless Capable Dazzling Easygoing Fair Gentle Passionate Sedate Terrific
Adept Brave Careful Impartial Effective Faithful Glorious Peaceful Seemly Thoughtful
Adventurous Bright Cautious Decent Efficient Fantastic Good Perfect Selective Thrifty
Affable Brilliant Charming Decisive Elated Fascinating Gregarious Persistent Self-assured Tidy
Affectionate Broad-minded Cheerful Decorous Eminant Fearless Obedient Philosophical Self-confident Tolerant
Agreeable Rational Coherent Delightful Enchanting Fine Offbeat Pioneering Self-disciplined Tough
Alert Realistic Comfortable Dependable Encouraging Frank Optimistic Placid Sensible Likeable
Alluring Receptive Communicative Detailed Endearing Fresh Outspoken Plausible Sensitive Lively
Amazing Relentless Compassionate Determined Endurable Friendly Wacky Pleasant Sincere Logical
Ambitious Reliable Confident Devoted Energetic Fuffy Warm Plucky Skillful Lovely
Amiable Resolute Considerate Dignified Enterprising Ideal Warm-hearted Powerful Smiling Loving
Amicable Resourceful Cooperative Diligent Entertaining Magical Whimsical Practical Splendid Loyal
Amusing Responsible Couragious Diplomatic Enthusiastic Mature Willing Pretty Steadfast Ultimate
Analytical Rhetorical Creative Direct Excellent Modern Wise Proactive Stimulating Unassuming
Appeasing Righteous Credible Discreet Excited Modest Witty Productive Successful Unbiased
Astounding Romantic Cultured Divine Exclusive Mysterious Wonderful Punctual Succint Understanding
Nice Kind-hearted Vigorous Dynamic Exuberant Happy Jolly Pursuasive Superb Unusual
Nifty Knowledgeable Vivacious Quick-witted Industrious Harmonious Joyous Hilarious Sympathetic Upbeat
Zippy Zamy Quick Quiet Instinctive Helpful Heroic Honorable Imaginative Debonair

We are in this together. Let's do it !