Sunday, October 28, 2018

Life is a correction

A student complained to his meditation teacher, "my meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted. My legs ache. And I am constantly falling asleep".
"It will pass", the teacher replied.
A week later, same student came back to his teacher."My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware, so peaceful, so alive! It is just wonderful!", he said.
"It will pass", the teacher replied.

Life is a journey, a process, a path. It is not to be achieved. It is to be lived. The everyday actions we choose are the small processes which altogether, at the end, show us the larger picture called life. To improve this final larger picture, we regularly make decisions and action plans. For example new year resolutions, birthday promises, anniversary vows, etc. Then we make schedules to implement those actions, if we are disciplined enough. During this course, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we do not. Ever wondered why?

Same reason! Because it is a process. Every activity you do is a process. And every process stands for correction. Look at the share market scripts, success or failure graph of any celebrity or a company. You will find a rise and then fall so that the position reached stands corrected.
Let us take simpler example. Let us look at ourselves. We have maximum energy when we get up in the morning. But it does not stay that way for rest of the day. Afterwards we are at moderate energy level for 12 to 15 hours. Body corrects that energy level.
Look at the new habit pattern. Initially, you do it consistently. Gradually the drive for keeping up the new habit recedes. You even refine the frequency of doing that activity. If you have enough discipline, determination, dedication and the right reasons, habit stays and becomes routine or rather a lifestyle. Process corrects itself.
Similarly, a feeling of depression is a process; only a negative one. Initially, one feels there is no hope and nothing can be done about it. But gradually, one comes out of it, provided he/she takes support of himself or loved ones and works on improving the thoughts and thought patterns. Then there is a ray of hope to a better life.

Please note that process evolves continuously. It doesn't know in which direction it is going. Therefore, you have to take control of it. With every parameter you change in it, the effect changes. It is in your hands to select the parameter and decide the extent of its change. Use it for betterment of people around you.
Most people don't use this power after a certain stage of their life. Look around you. Can you think of people who have stopped or reduced the scale of learning after a certain years of experience or certain age. Then they complaint about mundane life and slow promotions in their career. Opportunities are waiting for you if you are ready to work on yourself. Of course there are organizations where right talent is not utilized optimally, but you get my point. Right? You have the power to change it. Choose the direction of change.

Do you want to want to change the process? In which direction? Upward or downward? Well, it depends on the type of process you select. For example, for smoking habit, you want it to move in downward direction and for exercise, you want it to go in upward direction.
Here are the steps to achieve it which should help you achieve your goals:
1. Identify - which parameters you should change.
2. Know - which habits require positive or negative changes
3. Prepare a schedule and start working on it
4. Either it will work nicely or it won't work at all. But now you know why it happens.
Some processes require more potential energy to kick start whereas in some, you already have the potential so it starts out smooth. Trick is to keep the potential at the level where you can provide the energy to the process, sufficient enough to get to the next step.
5. Keep trying - process will correct itself. You will see the change. And then, that too shall pass.
6. Explore - the variety of ways to achieve your milestones.
7. Never stop. Continue to raise your potential.

I hope you work on your processes and potential and improve your life phenomenally. I pray that, one day, when you look back, you could happily say to yourself, "I am glad I shifted the right parameters".

Keep sharing your experiences.
Save the world.
Bear maximum one child per couple for at least 3 generations.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Hang In There

One fine day, a man was walking down a path when he spotted a butterfly cocoon that was about to open. As he watched, a small opening appeared in the cocoon. So he sat and watched butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through the little hole.
Suddenly it seemed to stop making progress. It appeared as if he had gotten as far as it could and could not go any further.
So the man decide to help the butterfly. He took something and opened the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily but it had a tiny withered body and its wings were shriveled.
The man continued to watch because he expected that at any moment the wings would open and expand, and be able to support the butterfly's body. To his disappointment neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a withered body and shriveled wings. It was never be able to take flight.

What the man did not understand is that a restrictive cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature's way of forcing strength  from the butterfly's body into its wings, so that it would be  ready for the flight once it freed itself from the cocoon.
Also, are not we becoming such parents to our children? Better we give people strength of knowledge, skill and paradigm shift instead of easing their challenges. Right?

'Today is brutal. Tomorrow is more brutal. But, the day after tomorrow is beautiful. However, the majority of people will die tomorrow night.' - Jack Ma

Struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. It is for those obstacles and challenges, we could or would fly. Challenges and struggles and bring fears of failure and doubts. You are never not afraid. But, hang in there. 'Hang' or 'to suspend' has a word 'Shankate' in Sanskrit, meaning 'is in doubt' or 'hesitates' and in Latin, 'Delay'. Hang in until  you are ready to string up your fears from the neck. Don't let yourself lose yourself. Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.

It will come - success. There are many steps to reach there. One needs to pass through rejections, adversities, ignorance of others, personal failures, criticism, doubts, sacrifices, courage, discipline, competition, struggles, late nights of hard work, huge risks, disappointments and persistence, before reaching to the summit of success. So just hang in there. You will reach at your destination.

'Obsessed' is just a word the lazy people use to describe the dedicated.' - Russel Warren

Unless one looks inward, he cannot look upward.

Enjoy the process of your search. Keep throwing darts at the dart-board of life. Remember that it's possible that not everyone may like you. But it is okay. Don't listen to the critics as long as you continue to learn how to live.
Stay busy in your actions.

PS: To the people of Sulawesi Island, hang in there. May God be with you.
An inspiring story from Indonesia:
Respected Late Mr. Anthonius Gunawan Agung, a 21 year-old air traffic controller, died while staying back alone to guide a passenger plane in taking off as earthquake destroyed an airport's terminal in Indonesia. Following the take off, Agung jumped from the fourth floor. He was hospitalized due to internal injuries but died before a helicopter could shift hiim to a speciality hospital. He may have saved hundreds of lives with his decision.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Power of You

Once an interviewer asked about my strengths. Among others, I said, "I trust people". He questioned, "Is that a strength or a weakness?" Well, you know what I would do when asked a question like this. For the next five minutes, I explained to him why trusting people can never be a weakness.
'See, there are two kinds of people - first, those who know their strengths and second, those who don't. But, for those who don't, it doesn't mean they don't have it. It's just they are not aware enough or confident enough about it. However, it is a journey that matters. It is a journey to discover ourselves, our strengths. For some, this journey could be instantaneous whereas for others, it could take years or decades or even births. But everyone has power. Everyone tries to give his best with available knowledge, awareness, skill and sense of responsibility. We only need to understand which quality is short and provide that.'

What are your strengths?
People are helpful by birth. Even dogs and monkeys help other breeds. There is no question of whether we, humans, possess kindness or not. Now you know that you can show kindness or can help someone in any manner possible for you. Kindest are the strongest of all the people.

Do you know your power?
Doing is very good, but that comes from thinking. Different cultures and institutes fill our brains with different thoughts and ideals; and out of that is what we become. If you have realized that you have kindness in you, help someone find his/ her strength. Help people fill their brains with high thoughts and highest principles. Invoke in them tremendous will to work hard. They were not guided to the divinity. Help them realize their power; power to believe in themselves, power to act on their greatness.

'Throughout the history of mankind, if any motive power has been more potent than another in the lives of all great men and women, it is that of faith in themselves. Born with the consciousness that they were to be great, they become great.'
                        - Swami Vivekananda

I have faith in people because I have faith in myself. I can make this world better. So can they.

Let me give you an example of realizing one's own strength:
Wenzhou, a city in China, is hemmed in by mountains on one side and the East China Sea on the other. For decades, the country's state-owned banks ignored private enterprises and individuals. Starved for lending, the private sector in Wenzhou began to devise its own private credit market, often adopting unusual structures. Later, the system came to be known as ''Wenzhou Model'. This is the raw entrepreneurial spirit of people of China. Facing a huge demand for new roads and bridges, the entrepreneurs of Wenzhou didn't wait for funds or instructions from center, Beijing. They simply built their own. In 1990, acting on their own, entrepreneurs even funded the construction of the city's airport. In 1998, Wenzhou created China's first privately funded railroad.

Are you waiting for someone to help you? If yes, can you afford that? Better go and search for the ways to grow. Learn how to find the right questions. And then their answers. Learn about how to take decisions. Do not rest wishing for something to happen. Do not expect someone to change the situations for you. Do it on your own. If you are not happy with the education system, or voting system, improve it. Do something constructive about what you are not okay with.

I believe, if we help people bring back their habit to look for the possibilities and act on those, they can achieve anything. Realize the power of you. Know that you are great. You are here to make this world habitable; and not to weep for the wickedness of the world. Condemning is not an action. Be strong. Be bold. be courageous. If you fail a thousand times, make the attempt once more. As your thoughts, so your mind. Power your mind with great thoughts. And then act. Practice. Do not wait for something to happen. Make it happen.

'I would rather apologize than ask for permission.'
                                                            - Richard Branson

Live with a drive. Recognize your power to observe, to learn and to act. Just like the people of Wenzhou.

'We can do anything. The history of the world is the history of a few men who had faith in themselves. Arise, awake and know your strength.'
                                         - Swami Vivekananda

- Wenzhou story selected from 'Alibaba - The House that Jack Ma Built' by Duncan Clark

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Means and Ends

There was a farmer who grew superior quality of crop. Each year he used to win prizes for that in his state.
One reporter tracked him down and asked, " How can you afford to share your best seeds with your neighbors when they are entering in competition with you each year?"
"Why not sir?", said the farmer, "Do you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening crop and swirls it from field to field."
"If my neighbors grow inferior, sub-standard and poor quality crop, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my crop."
"If I am to grow good crop, I must help my neighbors grow good crop."

What would you do if you were in that farmer's place? You too would want to win. Won't you? But at what cost? Let me tell you this - you are in his place. Just replace the word 'crop' in above story with 'thoughts', 'habits', 'ideas', or 'thinking pattern', and think. 'If I am to grow good results, I must help my neighbors grow good results' - How does that sound?

We live in a world of competition. Our actions are generally driven by the outcomes. But please think about this - Don't we look at the path followed once we have achieved results? What gives us satisfaction then? The means or the ends? Process or product? Path or destination?

'Means' mean the path or process chosen to achieve desired results or ends. Which one is more important?

In this struggle for survival, people are not willing to share their knowledge with others. They crave for their own name, fame and wealth. This shifts their focus away from the path. But it is your responsibility to share your knowledge with others and help them improve their way of life. This will also give you an opportunity to purify yourself. If you want to do well, help someone else do well. If you want to be happy, make someone else happy.

Which is the ultimate end of life?
Which is the best way to achieve it?
Try to think in this dimension.

The value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. Can you be resolute enough to follow your values and principles in every walk of life? Can you develop an uncompromising attitude when your ethics are challenged by the crises? People often rely upon the term 'Practical action' when their will is not strong enough to back up their values. Then they do what others would do - in offices, society, relationships and may be everywhere. They stop being adamant to not compromise with their values. Instead of standing for right , they turn somewhere else. This happens when they are blinded by the short-term benefits or fear of losing all that is earned. Lack of self-confidence can also blur the judgment. Lack of self-confidence can be due to the forgotten practice of using it in the first place, because after certain level of growth, growth brings growth. It becomes routine. Believing in yourself goes out of practice after a while. Do you know someone of this sort? Are you one of them?

Previously I asked - Which one is more important out of path and process. Answer is, both are important. You can neither walk correctly by looking only at the goal, nor by looking only at your feet. You have to watch your every step keeping the goal in sight.
If you do not have a goal, there is no point in planning your days.
If you do not plan your days, you do not have a goal.
It's as if, if you change even one variable of the equation, results change.

Question is, where do you place your values.
What is your end?
What are you going to do?

"For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction."
"God rests in reason. God moves in passion."
- Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet)

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Democracy Or Monarchy

It is democracy. People often forget that. Democracy means, a voter is as much responsible for the country, before and after voting, as a voted.
People today, vote and think that they have chosen a king who will serve them. They shy away from their responsibilities of serving the country.

I think, we as a country are still unclear about the definition of democracy because of our long experience of monarchy, i.e. being ruled by someone. Democracy is the state where YOU CHOOSE a representative of you as a group, like in sampling method you choose samples out of population, representing the characteristics of the population. The quality of those samples is considered the quality of population. Similarly, if the chosen candidate works day and night for the growth and development of the country, that means you too do it and believe that others should do the same. Instead, if that candidate vouches to give free facilities, that means you want to live on free stuff. Working for betterment of nation is not the trait of population then. If he/ she does Yoga or promotes cleanliness or demoralizes use of plastics, that means you also promote these ideas. If he utters baseless statements and you discuss those, you know what I am going to say about it. Plain and simple. Isn't it?

Primarily, democracy expects citizens to take ownership.Ownership for choosing the candidate to represent themselves. Ownership for sustained growth of his/ her country instead of sitting back and expecting the chosen candidates to work on it or criticizing them if they don't. This is the basic difference between democracy and monarchy, where king does all the decision making and public just follows the instructions.

What do you think? Which mindset you are in? Monarchy? Or democracy?

Your day time job is for your survival and maybe for lifestyle maintenance. Your company may make you feel good about your job saying that you are making a positive difference in the world. Apart from that being a half-truth, it is still a job. You can't be satisfied with that much! You can do better than that.
You want to contribute more towards your country with whatever skills and knowledge and experience you have. You want to contribute your time and energy for the growth of your country, every day. Yes! Every day! You want to become producer of results and growth and potential instead of consumer of entertainment and leisure. There is a difference between tasting and consuming. Right? Do you consume entertainment or just taste it? Or the entertainment consumes you?

If you want to see a better country, you have to be a part of it by doing more that being a voter, a tax-payer and a critic.
What can you do?
It is simple. Not easy, but simple.
1. Know your roots and know your country.
2. Improve yourself spiritually.
3. Improve your knowledge, skills and attitude.
4. Work on your integrity, intellect and energy.
5. Give yourself a purpose to live for and to die for.
6. Work on technological growth in the fields of renewable energy generation, automation and communication. You don't have to be a scientist. Just convert available technologies and knowledge into a large scale projects for the benefit of society.
7. Be responsible for your actions. Take responsibility for your each decision and choice. Be your own leader. Don't let yourself get mislead with misinformation.
8. Contribute rather than commenting.

Do something more than just earning, to make this world a better place. Smile.

"If everyone knitted cotton and prepared clothes in the evening while chatting with family and friends, there won't be a single person without clothes."
                                                            - Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, August 4, 2018

I am dying

That's true. I am dying.
" We shall have to work like lions, keeping the ideal before us, without caring whether the wise ones praise or blame us."
- Swami Vivekananda

I just don't know which moment will take my breath away. Therefore, I have to do what I want to do. I cannot waste my time anymore. A day spent on the activities inconsistent with my targets is the day wasted. I must make sure that I utilize my time deliberately and wisely. I must not be satisfied and settle with small achievements. I must go for bigger and challenging tasks. I must work on myself to achieve those. I don't have time to blame others. I don't have time to convince people of my capacity and capability. Better I show those instead.

I am a lion who has tasted a hint of blood, 'improvement'. Now I am thirstier. I want more of it. More improvement means I get to learn more and overcome challenges. I believe that's good. Because I am a lion. I don't have words like 'failure' or 'success' which human beings use to excuse themselves from their duties. Those words are only for their use. No other species know of such words. They know only one language, optimum adaptation.
Sometimes while resting, I observe ants. When I put my palm in its path, it goes around it. No matter how many times I put my palm in its way, it will just change its direction but not the destination, provided it's not dead. If the change is rapid and I can't adapt, I am bound to perish. It's a plain common sense. That's what is happening to hundreds of species every year. And one day, my time will come. I will die. So shall the man. But they doesn't seem to use this common sense. I know it's none of my business but it's funny that they come for few hours to watch us jump and roar in pain and then go back to jump day and night for their whole life to make living. We teach our skills tactics for survival, they protect their children for all kinds of discomforts.
But I have noticed one thing in man. Those who know that they have very short time to live, they spend each moment trying to convert their dreams into reality. Others just spend time like they are going to live forever. We, lions, live for 10-15 years in the wild. We would prefer dying early than living in the comforts of captivity for 20-25 years. What's the point of living a life without struggle?
It's time. That's why I live as I want to. Because I am dying.
So shall you someday. Make it count.

" A brave, frank, clean-hearted, courageous and aspiring youth is the only foundation on which future nation can be built."
- Swami Vivekananda

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Mandates for Success

On his first day in office as President, when Abraham Lincoln entered to give his inaugural address, one man stood up. He was a rich Aristocrat. He said, “Mr. Lincoln, you should not forget that your father used to make shoes for my family.” And the whole Senate laughed; they thought they had made a fool of Lincoln.
But certain people are made of a totally different mettle. Lincoln looked at the man directly in the eye and said, “Sir, I know that my father used to make shoes for your family, and there will be many others here. Because he made shoes the way nobody else can. He was a creator. His shoes were not just shoes; he poured his whole soul into them. I want to ask you, have you any complaint? Because I know how to make shoes myself. If you have any complaint I can make you another pair of shoes. But as far as I know, nobody has ever complained about my father’s shoes. He was a genius, a great creator and I am proud of my father”.
The whole Senate was struck dumb. They could not understand what kind of man Abraham Lincoln was. He was proud because his father did his job so well that not even a single complaint had ever been heard. When you know your roots and are proud of them, and you have a strong vision to look forward to, no one can shake you from your desired path.

I believe, by now you would have set goals in the four directions as we discussed before which are namely Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Next step is to succeed in achieving those goals. We can begin with these five steps:

1. Vision with a Purpose:
Habakkuk 2:3
For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

As I keep insisting over and over again, purpose is very important to stay on the desired course. Additionally, purpose should be larger, more than just yourself. It should enhance others' lives either in terms of skill or knowledge or attitude.
Vision with a grander purpose fuels the drive for actions. Be it is about serving environment or humanity or country, vision helps you stay motivated.
Vision should be long term. Preferably longer than your expected life, so that other people can take forward what you started. After all, we are here to create leaders. Aren't we?

2. Priority:
Although priority could be naturally decided for the set goals when you have a clarity of your purpose, it initially takes some time. This is because you have been living a different life before you discovered your purpose. So it becomes necessary to deliberately prioritize actions to achieve goals. It requires both patience and practice. Keep trying. It'll come on its own once the right thinking has been developed.

3. Discipline:
Once you have prioritized actions, it needs discipline to act on those, exactly in the manner decided. Many distractions will come along the way. Those will try to lure you towards easy ways and comfortable zones. But remember, you have chosen a different life now. You have started living for a bigger purpose than going for easy options. You have already stretched your limits of thinking when you discovered your purpose in life. Now there is no question of going back to comfort zone. Remember why you decided to put your step on this path. Keep that reason in mind.

4. Determination:
It is important to develop an attitude of resoluteness. If you have started something, you must finish. Leaving something halfway is not in your blood.
It is funny that the word 'determine' means 'to limit' or 'to bound' or 'to end' but how ending the task actually sets you free. It gives you boundless satisfaction. Hence, inculcate firmness to continue on the path of perseverance. The right vision and purpose will also help with this. Gradually, you will witness small achievements. This will boost your confidence that you are taking right actions. It'll enhance your resolution to continue on the path forward.

In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision. – Dalai Lama

5. Dedication:
Surrender yourself to your purpose. Tune out the distractions which can waver your faith in your dreams. Immerse yourself in the process of continual improvement with a strong belief. It's possible because you don't just wish for good things to happen. Instead you make things happen as you desire.

Go for the kill.
Proclaim your birthright of supremacy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Options vs. Choices vs. Needs

Few days back, I was in a mall buying groceries. I accidentally overheard a conversation.
Wife: Let's buy those chips.
Husband (shot back): Why?
Wife: Because that famous guy promotes it. We should taste how it is.

Just like you, I couldn't stop smiling.

Anyway, what did you do these many days since last blog? Overslept or over-worked? Do you feel great about what you did? If thinking of it hurts you, work on it. If it makes you feel proud, keep doing it.

This time, I have chosen three important words for our conversation.

First word: Options.
What are your options, when:
- You start your day? What are the first things which come to your mind? Do you think your ideals would be giving themselves the same options when they get up?
- You watch news. Do you see what channels show you? Or you have your own selected relevant categories?
- You drive to your work and have the feeling of honking the horn? Do you or do not?
- You pass by people at your work? Smile? Greet? Acknowledge? Or plain face?
- You are discussing with colleagues? Listen or ignore them?
- You take food? Right diet or whatever comes around and tastes good for a moment?

Try to answer these questions in your mind.
Now let's see our next word.

Second word: Choice.
You choose options for yourself. And then you make a choice out of those options. Isn't it true?

For above questions, you may have more or different options. But you choose those yourself. You make choices. Every second of every hour of every day of your life. Either knowingly or unknowingly. So choose your options carefully. With awareness.
There are 168 hours in a week. That's a big number. Isn't it? How are you spending them? Think about what are the alternatives you are giving yourself. Are your role models and successful people giving themselves similar ones?

Third word: Need.
This is a very important word. Whole world revolves around this word. Marketers create need in your mind and then make their sales. You create the need in your mind and then work towards achieving those. But we know very little about the basics of need. For example, where are our needs generating from? What is the source of our demands? Is it because of our own requirement or comparison with someone else?
Also, we need to introspect the choices we have given ourselves in the form of need. For example: What is the need of reproduction for humans when our population is already 8 billion? (1 billion = 100 crore) Aren't we facing more and more unfavorable environmental changes year by year? Aren't hundreds of species dying every year because of our actions to fulfill our so called needs?
Let me ask simpler questions: What is the need to taste that wafer which the wife was insisting about? Or what is the need of honking a horn while driving? Before you start justifying the "need" for these questions, please do make sure that you've chosen the options for reasoning wisely and it's not because so far you have heard that those answers are the most logical answers.

We humans are very selfish. We go for easier and convenient path. We choose what is normally accepted by people. That is why population growth, plastic pollution, noise pollution, over production, etc. has become the elephant in the room and we are running away from our responsibilities. If we are intellectual and have commonsense, we need to take right actions.

Next time you wake up, choose what you want to do with your life.
Give yourself options based on the need of an hour, not just for you but for the whole humanity.
Do the right thing. That's the real living. It's not just about laughing with friends while having a drink. Make it bigger than that.
Go for it! That's the way to be different.

Not everyone has guts to do that.
What about you?

Friday, May 11, 2018

Listen to the Noises

People care for you a lot.

That is why they would suggest, go from wrong side because it's too hot at 44 deg Celsius to ride 3 km to come around the right way. Going from wrong side is easy.
They also ask you to stop reading at late night and go to sleep.
While exercising, our mind suggests, don't go for one more repetition because you are comfortable with only 15.
Amazingly, sometimes we do listen to such suggestions - from others of self. These are the noises around and within us. We must notice them. They tell us the difference between success and failure, between excellence and mediocrity. If we are not aware of these noises, we won't know which alternative we have opted for, mediocrity or excellence.

We often start important activities with zeal and passion, continue it for 2-3 days, and then overconfidence comes at play. It says, I did it for 3 days, I can do it for ever. And then surprisingly, we stop doing it! Sometimes we don't even feel guilt. You know, it takes discipline to succeed. That's it! Discipline to continuously learn and improve is all that is required for it. Unless we know the noises which keep us away from greatness, how can we tune those out of our thinking? We need to overcome the overconfidence of doing something for a short period because ahead of that lies the satisfaction of big achievements. So listen to your thoughts which seek comfort and ease, listen to your people who use such nice and comforting words.

People close to us often say, "I say so because I care for you". Let me tell you this - if they care for you, they should know you. And if they know how hungry you are for making a difference in this world, they would instead find ways to support you in your actions rather than using comforting words. They would find ways to help you improve and be productive. When they come by any people or ideas that can promote you or help you become more effective and efficient, they would inform you. They would get excited just by the thought of you succeeding in your quest. If you are one of such kind, kudos to you! I love you for that. Please keep doing it. I wish success in your personal struggles for excellence.

Moreover, we are our responsibility. Will Smith suggests, "When I feel like having a burger or cheese pizza, I tell myself, 'Man! I love you so much that I cannot let you go on that path because after eating that, next day you will feel bad about it. You will criticize yourself' When my friends are enjoying when I have exams coming up, I tell myself, 'Man! I love you too much to feel bad after you are done with the party so better read and feel better that you continued with what you planned'. Think about it.

Let me know those interesting excuses your mind has given you so far. Let me know those noises.

P.S.- Along with a hand painted T-shirt, I gifted my fiancé (now wife) a non-fiction book on her birthday. Till today I wonder what she thinks of that act.

Friday, April 27, 2018


A guy from West was speaking with Indian spiritual guru, " My mind is at peace now. I have learned a lot from you." He further asked, " You say I can be like anybody if I aspire for and perspire to be. Then please tell me, if I work to become like Henry Ford, can I be like him?" Gurus smile in a very special way when they see innocence in the seeker. He too did and replied, "Of course you can. But then you might miss a chance to be like Jesus."

Are you too missing such a chance?
Who is your ideal?
Who are you trying to be like?
What are the qualities you have acquired till this day? From where are those?

If I want to build a character, that of less than Rama's should be unacceptable. Isn't it? If I want to start a company, say in Finance, a goal less than Berkshire Hathaway could be said conservative. Right? If I want to evolve as a human being, isn't Krishna a choice better than any living person today? If I want to benchmark myself with someone for some quality, who should that be?

When it comes to choose a role model, child begins with parents. They are the biggest influencers after all. Child gets two options in the process - Whether or not to be like my parents. It is okay as long as child decides to be like his parents. If the opposite, then he gets infinite options. Imagine if this happens. You won't know what he chose out of other available alternatives until it is too late. As a parent, therefore, it is our duty to set high standards for our children. Isn't it? In order to do that, parents need to have discipline. You can't expect the child to have a habit of reading or exercising if you are not doing those. Parenting is leadership. Leadership is parenting. First you become that what you expect. You need to be what you expect from your boss or sub-ordinate. What kind of nation do you want? Creative? Strong? Humane? Become that and you will see that happen. It's called visual management. You need to show others how right things are done right. Then they follow you.

Let's look at India with respect to other countries. India has one third of the land compared to the USA but 4 times that of its population. Out of 47 states of the USA, only 8 states has the population more than 1 crore. Whereas in India, out of 30 states, the number is 21 states. Imagine the difference in population density! Number of cities in India have population more than the countries like Australia and Canada. In spite of such huge differences, isn't India being unrealistic when she sets goals which are benchmarked by the World Bank or the UN? Can India have any other model nation which can be taken as a reference for benchmarking growth and development? For example, Japan (has population density of 348 against India's 445 per sq. km.), Israel (Pop. Den. of 395), Korea, Rep. (Pop. Den. of 526) or Netherlands (Pop. Den. of 506). Can India be considered similar to these countries, only with bigger scale? India has great minds and strength of population to make it happen. Isn't it? I believe, if India sets just the right benchmarks, it can rise again as world leader not only at economic front but at spiritual, power and technology fronts as well. This logic is applicable to African countries as well. We say no two people should be compared. Then why countries? It's just that genres are different here. Can you say which movie is better - Interstellar or Inception? Haha..

Or, do we need to set ideals? Is benchmarking really necessary?
Because some kid is famous on a dance show on TV, parents make their kids learn dance. We need to learn the difference between influence and impression. Goals are not set based on influence. Goals and visions are the product of introspection. We need to learn about ourselves before we learn anything else. Our dreams, likes or dislikes - we need to discover them. A continuous search for betterment goes a long way. Whom did Berkshire Hathaway set as a touchstone? Whom did Apple set as a yardstick? Darwin had no reference theory when he gave the "theory of evolution". India was never into materialistic world in spite of being wealthy. Someday, someone came and told you, "because you don't have enough clothes to wear, you cannot feel happy" and you believed him! We were happier then than today. Ask your grandparents if you don't believe me. Those who are born in 1980s, almost none of your grandparents did job. They were all entrepreneurs or business people. They were all surviving on their skills. Now you are told, "if you don't have job, you cannot survive." Is survival that challenging? Or we have set wrong measures for what we call a way of living!

Connect with people.
Alexa can work for you. She cannot feel for you.

Love. :)

Friday, April 13, 2018


Live is about living. Not proving.

Just like the word 'impasse' and 'impossible', word 'IMprove' may have yet another meaning which could be ' not prove'. Although it may not fit with the logic of previous two words, it is just a gesture meaning something that can't be proven. It is not because we can't prove it but because we don't try to.

We are surrounded by information and opinions much more than ever before. In such times, it has become challenging to figure out what we should do. Human is moving away from principles towards popularity. These days, it is expected that you must be famous before you actually succeed. Funnily enough, you can be famous without actually doing anything worthwhile. I recently noticed few faces in an Indian Express tabloid of March-18 who were among the top 100 influential figures of India and I have doubts about their actual contributions towards betterment of the nation. Once you become popular, people will be at your doorstep to use your fame for their agendas. You can choose this path of Nautanki (drama), which is actually very easy.

There is one more way to live. Here, you choose to live by principles. On this path, instead of Nautanki (drama), you choose class and higher standards. You choose here to improve and not IMprove. Believe me, only very determined survive on this quest. This is the path of people with strong will and resolute character. Here, you have to choose the song of your choice instead of listening to the one which is famous just because of its cheap words or video.

Once you figure out the purpose of your life, forget what rest of the world thinks and start your journey. Beware of the attractions of easiness. You have learned the way of discipline with lot of practice and patience. It's not worth losing for the thinking of the masses. It's true that economy prevails instead of ideology but this is why it is more important that you continue being the pillar of ideology. There are very few of your kind. This world survives because of you few. Whole humanity overlives because of you few, even when you don't know it. Even when they don't know it. And it is not necessary to prove it as well. You didn't start your journey to prove yourself. That was never the purpose. It was always much higher than yourself. You have grown much above than just thinking about yourself. Your time is much valuable. So just keep improving and keep reminding yourself that your action towards your purpose is the purest and ultimate satisfaction. No recognition or fame can surpass that.

Believe in your purpose and keep moving on.
Keep sharing.
Keep giving.

It is said that Prof. Chandrasekhar had to wait nearly 50 years before receiving the Nobel Prize for his discovery of 'Chandrasekhar Limit', a discovery made while he was a graduate student at Cambridge in 1930s. If his work had been recognized then, it could have led to the discovery of the Blank Hole decades earlier.